Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sega Rally 2006 & Tougeki '07- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike

I've should have told you about this one on Friday, but the Tougeki '07 SFIII 3rd Strike Tournament was fun to watch. In a matter of a fact, I even can't wait till Tougeki '08 DVDs are out in (probably) Autumn this year. I've seen over at their site that SF3, Hokuto No Ken, Super Street Figher II X, Virtua Fighter 5 and TEKKEN 6 will be one of the playable in the tournament. Despite the fact that I don't understand any fucking word they'll say or write, I can only enjoy the gameplay these Japanese gamers are good at.
As for the SEGA RALLY 2006, It was a sort of a "First Press Release" that contained "Sega Rally 2006" and "Sega Rally Championship" (aka. SR '95). It's a great game and a great DVD that's worth the buys.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A fine buy indeed...

I was at work when it happend. The package with "Appleseed EX: Limited Edition" came today. The content of this one is the game itself, a figure of Deunan Knute (the heroine of the anime and in this game) and a filmcomic of "Appleseed".

Those of you not familiar with filmcomic; it's screencaps from a film, anime or series and they'll add captions of what they're saying. This book is in Japanese, so I'll ask a friend of mine if I could borrow that movie he has.

So far, the game is kind of hard, since most of it are in Japanese (of course). But it'll take a time to go through this game. And I've been enjoying it. While I had the figurine standing next by my Japanese-PS2!

Friday, April 25, 2008

2 days later, these 2 showed up!

Looks like I'm gonna have fun in the Weekends! "Gunstar Heroes Tresure Box" and "Hokuto No Ken" showed up, recently. "Gunstar Heroes Tresure Box" is a retro-collection game including Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Headdy and Alien Solider for SEGA MegaDrive. And "Hokuto No Ken" (better known here as "The Fist of the North Star") is a 2D-fighting game made by the gang from Guilty Gear-series.

I'll probably make a review for "Hokuto No Ken" while I'll be waiting for "Appleseed EX" to come...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

About frickin' time!!!

Arcana Heart (PS2)
About frickin' time! I ordered this for about last month, and thanks to that fucking Norwegian Easter-days, it took longer than I thought. This must be a reasson why air bubble posts takes longer than the other one (Darkstalkers and Street Fighter 3). Anyway, this is another fighting game that looks stylish as the Guilty Gear series. And like every fighting games, sore thumbs.
I also bought memory card for PS2 because of Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (the game that came along with "Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix +") and it finally works fine. Now I guess that the two other game WILL come over here...

Monday, April 14, 2008

I really hope this fucking works...

I got to be honest about the "Arcana Heart"-game, I have a doubt it will show up. As the same goes to the 2 other games I mentioned. After a while, I checked around some other sites that still sells Japanese PS2-games other than And I crossed over a site named Yeah, it almost sounds like a, but I found a game that PlayAsia was sold out of. The game's name:

No, your eyes doesn't fuck you up! Yes, this is the game that is based on the anime-movie "Appleseed". I bought the limited edition of it, since the one on PlayAsia is out of stock. I really hope that THIS ONE comes over here. That and the 3 others that I needed right now...

Monday, April 7, 2008

REVIEW: Vampire DarkStalkers Collection

Title: Vampire: DarkStalkers Collection
Format: PlayStation 2
Published: Capcom
Developed: Capcom
Players: 1-2
Genre: Fighting

Capcom are best known for their 2d-fighting games in the 90s. One of their titles was "Street Fighter II". However, after the sucess of "Super Street Fighter II Turbo", they made a new fighting series. The game: "DarkStalkers"! Or "Vampire" as those in Japan calls it! And now are the monsters fighting in this retro-collection on the PS2 that goes throug this bizzare monster-fighter since 1994 to 1997. This collection includes these games:
  • Vampire (US/EU: DarkStalkers), 1994
  • Vampire Hunter (US/EU: Night Warriors), 1995
  • Vampire Savior (US/EU: DarkStalkers- Jedah's Damnation), 1997
  • Vampire Hunter 2, 1997
  • Vampire Savior 2, 1997-98

There are also "Arrange"-versions of the 3 last mentioned games in this collection with some extras that wasn't on the original arcade verisons.

The game-select screen

Since there are 5 different DarkStalkers-games, their stories are based on the character you play as. Among them are Morrigan, Demitri, Felicia, Lei-Lei (named "Hsien-Ko" in US and the European regions), Donovan, Bishamon, Lilith, Bulleta (aka "Baby Bonnie Hood" right here), Jedah and several other DarkStalkers to choose from.

The first two in the "Vampire"-series are just like the "Street Fighter"-games. But from "Vampire Savior" and onward, the system is changed. This isn't a regular round match. When you have drained an opponents lifebar, it's counted as "Down!". After that, depending on how much health you got, the odds might be in yours or the opponents favor. And every time you hit, the lifebar of the opponent will drop fast, unless he/she strikes back and make a small recover.
During completing a game with that character will also unlock an artwork. Since I've played most of the DarkStalkers-games (even the one on PSP), I've seen them most of them before. But some artworks are kinda new to me. Like sketches of how the characters could might have been looked like during the production of the games. And some events might unlock the "Arranged" versions of "Vampire Savior", "Vampire Hunter 2" and "Vampire Savior 2". These arranged variations of the games lets you play as all of the rosters with moves based on game 3 to 5. And a secret character never revealed in the original verisons, named "Dee".

Jedah vs. Dee

Dee is a crossover of Demitri and Donovan. However, this character has a story. In the end of "Vampire Hunter", Donovan becomes more darker variant of himself, consuming into the darkness! (sounds more like Ryu becoming Evil Ryu) It's just like a "What-if"-storyline, but the character itself is pretty awsome. I'm not gonna reveal how his ending are. The only thing I can say is you get to see an older Anita at the end (Anita is the little girl that follows Donovan)


This game has the filter mode on. But when you're having it off, it really doesn't look so good while playing VDC on the TV. With filer on, it's get a little better. There's also a hell-a-lot of flashing light, so those who have a little problem with that might want to close their eyes. Especially if you're sitting in the dark. (Which is less likely unless you're playing Resident Evil 4 or Silent Hill)

Like the original games, the "Q-Sound" is there like usual. While some musics are good, some are not so good.

It's like all fighting games if you play with a DualShock2. You'll get sore thumbs. But enough about that. The controls in the game it a little bit hard to control. The buttons are a little awkward, but those can be changed to you likings. I'll probably update this when I get the arcade sticks one day.

"Vampire Hunter"

This retro-collection plays out like "Street Fighter Zero - Fighters Generations". (aka "Street Fighter Alpha Anthology") I've played SFAA, and when I played this game, I noticed something that might could have give me a good time. The Pallete Editor in SFAA. That wasn't include in this game. Let me explain about this: You could change the original pallete to your imagination. That was the only thing I missed about this game. But everything else is okay.

"Vampire Savior", "Vampire Hunter 2" and "Vampire Savior 2"

This arcade perfection of one of Capcom's greatest fighting games is a great buy if you either like fighting games or are a DarkStalkers-fan. The catch? It's a Japan-only game, meaning it wil never see the daylight in US or EU unless it's imported one. So I'm glad I bought this one. Since I'll rather like the DarkStalkers-games as much I like the Street Fighter-games.

Gameplay: 8/10
Grapics: 7/10
Sound: 6/10
Controll: 6/10

Screenshots by

2 SEGA-games while waiting for 1 fighting game!

While I was waiting for "Arcana Heart" to show up, I decided to buy two other games.

[From left to right: Hokuto No Ken (a.k.a. Fist of the North Star) and SegaAges 2500 Vol. 25: Gunstar Heroes Tresure Box]

The first game is a fighting game by the gang who made the Guilty Gear-series. And the second game is rather more of a retro-collection just like "Vampire Darkstalkers Collection". Now I have to wait for 3 games! "Arcana Heart" is right around the corner, and these two are about to get shipped.

Looks like I have to play more "Darkstalkers" and "Street Fighter" in a few weeks.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

REVIEW: NiGHTS into dreams...

Title: NiGHTS into dreams...
Format: PlayStation 2 (JAPAN)
Published: SEGA
Developed: Sonic Team
Players: 1
Genre: Adventure

Recently, "NiGHTS - Journey of Dreams" got released on Nintendo's Wii. It took about 12 years for SEGA to make a sequel for the Sega Saturn-classic. Now comes the original game in a new package. Oddly enough, for the PlayStation2-system! Actually, it's a remake/port of the 1996 SegaSaturn game that amazed the Saturn-gamers before the console kissed goodbye in a favor for Sony's PlayStation. Now, 12 years later, it reappears with shining graphics which I will talk about it later. Right now, it's a Japan-only release. (It means it might not show up here in US or Europe) But luckly, I had it for a while ago. So let's see...
There are two characthers you're taking control of. The one is Claris Sinclair who likes to sing and wanted to be a star, but is afraid of sining infront of a audition. And Elliot Edwards who likes to play basketball with his friends, but fears for returning the favors against the elders. These fears are recreated in their dreams when they sleeps. However, once they come to a beautiful landscape, they see NiGHTS locked up and help him/her* out by defeating several Nightmarens. In favor, NiGHTS helps them to overcome their fears in the real world.
I haven't played the original game for Sega Saturn, since I didn't see that fucking console in Norway! (and a BIG reasson why it didn't succeded that time) But after reading some of the fans' comment on the original game, it was wonderful. The one I'm playing is the same. And I can understand why they enjoyed this game, too. It's really fun and you don't have to understand Japanese neither. Most of the menues are in English (while the messages are in Japanese) which are fine by me. It took a little time for me to realise what I'm going to do. But I have heard how it was played. Let's take what I've heard first: You control NiGHTS and you gonna link-chain those circles. That's what I know. (when I was about 12 or 13, that is...) And now, what I know today: You take first control of Claris (or Elliot, for that matter) and guide her to NiGHTS. However, the enemies takes away those glowing spheres from you, except one sphere. After that you go to NiGHTS and take control of him/her. You fly around the course till you have gathered a certain amount of blue spheres and got the glowing spheres from the enemy. After 4 courses, you take on the boss. At first, you act like a n00b not knowing how the hell you defeat them. But it comes to a thought how to find a weak spot on that boss. It might sound like a short game, and it does. With 8 stages (4 courses each stage) there's still something to do. Like trying to get a high score (*sigh* what good old day it was...) or playing "Cristmas NiGHTS" (!?) Okay, okay! It doesn't sound so good when you're playing a Christmas-themed NiGHTS in the begining of April (and it's not even a April Fools-joke, either), but there's other things to play, too.
The graphics of this game is... kinda mixed... Really, I've seen better PS2-games that can handle much better. (like God of War 1 and 2, Kingdom Hearts 2, Soul Calibur 3, and so on) But it's a decent one. And why on earth SEGA decided to add the SegaSatrun mode in this game is beyond my mind. The "SegaSaturn-mode" means it has the graphics of the original game. (reassoned why I called it a "remake/port" of this game in the first place) Intresting for those who wanted to know the game REALLY came out. But there are something that bug the shit out of me is the character movements. It's just like I'm playing this game on a PSOne or a extremely crappy game on the PC. It feels like I'm getting a Dejà-vu from hell and thinking "Holy shit! Did I played that game on PS1? What the fuck were I on? Drugs?" For a port, it's okay. But for a remake, why the hell? A remake doesn't deserve to have a crappy movesets (ask "Resident Evil" for GameCube. It knows how it feels!) But I don't use the Saturn-mode in this game, so I'm gonna rate the graphics on the one I always plays on.
I really can't say much here... But with the surround, they sounds okay for me. All the sounds are from the original game. Which are good, too.
I'm really not looking forward to this one. I've heard from others that the DualShock2-controller feels not so good to steer NiGHTS. And it seems like the rumors are true: It DOESN'T feel good at all. First time I played it, it was a pain to my thumbs to controll this freak. (no offense!) The button layout is fine, but I think they could have tweaked the steering of this game as well. Luckly, it comes over in a time when you got used to it. But be prepeared... it's not easy to control him/her!
Of course, any kind of games, new and old ones, are missing something that could send this game to gaming heaven. That is what the original game had back there. Like the 2-player mode, Time Attack and what came along with "Christmas NiGHTS", "Sonic the Hedgehog into dreams"! And it's kind of sad, I was really looking forward to play that part (the Sonic-part), where you ran through the Christmas course and was going to face Dr. Eggman (acting like he's Puffy, the one who looks like a fat balloon. Which suits him perfect, btw) The only intresting thing so far, is the internal clock system which changes the game layout. Take one example: Start your PS2-system without the disc (or the eject tray open) and set the date to 1st April (Man, I sould have posted this shit back there), start the game, choose 1st stage of Claris (and not Elliot) and you will play as Reala (one of the badguys) and fight against NiGHTS him-/herself. That's just one of them. Probably more, but I don't know...
I've played several retro-games, really. But when it comes to this one, It's not so bad after all. I heard great things about the original game, so those NiGHTS-fans (with a JPN-PS2 system) might want this one. Others are a little unsure about it. (especially those who haven't played or heard about SegaSaturn or NiGHTS, other than the camoes in Sonic Riders-series) But for a (retro)gamer like me, it's worth buying it. Especially the Nightopian Dream Pack, which comes with a illustration book along. My final word: A good game if your weekends sucks and have a imported PS2!

Gameplay: 7/10
Grapics: 6/10
Sound: 7/10
Controll: 4/10


Got 2 of them... 1 to go!

In previous post, I mentioned that I also bought "Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike", "Vampire DarkStalkers Collection" and "Arcana Heart".

Yesterday I got two of them. I was looking forward to play them. Especially Darkstalkers!
And like all fighting games (if you play a regular controller) you get sore thumbs! Which I'm kinda used with, but since I have 3 fighting games and planning to buy another one (not mentioning the game), I decided to save up for two arcade sticks for PS2. Might be hard since most of us gamers use them to play games like "Street Fighter", "Tekken" and "Soul Calibur 3", but it'll be worth it.

I planning to make a review of "Vampier DarkStalkers Collection". As for "NiGHTS into dreams...", it'll be up later on.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Japanese PS2, KH2FM+ & NiGHTS

This was happening for a while ago, so let's go back to for about one month whit this story:

I was taking a trip to Bergen (my city) just for looking around, just like I always do. I checked around some game stores and for some odd reason, I came across this game:

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix +

In that instant, I bought this game. Sure I finally had something some Norwegians might didn't have, but there was a catch with this one! I needed a chipped or a Japanese PS2 to play this one.

At first, I was going for chipping my PS2. But the modders in the district were rather modding XBOX360's and Wii's. But the day I got back my Internet (since I was moving in to a new apartments back there), I checked out the and was overjoyed that they had a new PS2 model on store. So I bought that one!

While I was looking around the site, one game came to my mind. "NiGHTS into dreams..." Yes, I know what you're thinking. "Ain't that a Sega Saturn game?" Well, that game I was looking at is a remake of the same Saturn-game by Sega and Sonic Team. And since I wanted to try out this game, since those who had that game for the Saturn liked it, I bought the game.

About one week later, I finally got them. And to my surprise, the PS2slimline-model was... very different to my PAL PS2.

PlayStation2 Console Charcoal Black (SCPH-90000CB)

As you see here, the PS2 on the top is my original PS2 (which doesn't play Japanese games) and the one on the bottom is the Japanese PS2. And yes, you can see a little bit of the lamp in the bottom one. That shinny is it! Makes my original PS2 look boring!

Okay, I got to be honest here: I took these photos with my SonyEricsson W810i! Anyway, the top PS2 is the Japanese and the bottom is the EU. Not sure you can look clearly with this image, but the ventilate on the EU is missing on the Japanese one. Same goes to that bar the EU has.

This one is easy to see. The position is the same. Only this is the backside of the PS2's. I guess you can figure it what's the new with the JAP-PS2.

That... just happened to come along with the PS2! And it's f*****g good, too!

NiGHTS into dreams... -Nightopia Dream Pack-

I mentioned that I bought NiGHTS into dreams... along, too! But that I didn't mentioned that I bought the "Nightopian Dream Pack", was kind of a my idea. This was the content of this pack:

  • The game
  • Illustration Book (which is on Japanese, btw)

The content of Nightopian Dream Pack

Now that I finally got the chance to play this game and KH2FM+, I'll be making a review for PS2-NiGHTS later. But for now, I'm gonna play these games while I wait for Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, Vampire Darkstalkers Collection and Arcana Heart, so...

See ya'!

Hello, viewers!

Hello, this is G.R. Sonic from Norway.

This is actually my first time I'm making this one, but I'll be updating it for a while.
So be patience and enjoy your stay!